Because we care for you and your family, our pastor and deacons are committed to a deacon family ministry plan. We want to make certain that every member and family in our church is loved and supported. We want to be known throughout our community as a loving and caring church.
Our deacons assist the pastor and church staff in ministering to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of each church member and family. The resident church families are divided into groups of approximately 10-15 families. Each group of families is then assigned to a deacon team who will minister to them.
Our deacons are here to serve you in the following ways:
- visiting you
- witnessing to unsaved family members
- rejoicing with you and your family
- being your friend, especially in times of crisis
- answering questions about your faith or about your church
- connecting you socially to other families in the church
- praying for you and with you
In our family ministry plan every member and every family has a deacon. This plan helps us become a true family in Christ. You have a vital role in making this plan work. Feel free to call your deacon. Your deacon will seek to help you or link you to another helping person.